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WAITING FOR THE APPOINTED TIME 2 Samuel happened after this that David enquired of the Lord say shall I go up to any of the cities of Judah? And the Lord said to him, Go up. And David said, where shall I go up to.......... Saul pursued David because he had seen his destiny and thought that he could destroy him so that he would not fulfill it but whatever God has established and ordained, billion or hundred billion demons cannot destroy it. God who has ordained us, will make us fulfill our destiny in the name of Jesus Christ….Amen... 2 Samuel 2 :1-4……
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THE KEY TO HAPPINESS ........."Obedience is the Key to Happiness".........Jeremiah 35:1-16&18-19...   The Word which came..... and Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites,"Thus says the Lord of hosts,the God of Israel 'Because you have obeyed the Commandment of Jonadeb your father and kept all his precepts and done according to all that he commanded you...'therefore thus says the Lord of Hosts,the God of Israel:"Jonadeb the son of Rechab shall not lack a Man to stand before me forever".   Most People think Money is the Key to Happiness or Travelling all over the World, but most people that has it all, don't…
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   Power of Prayer Acts 12:5-19.....Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the Church...... God says He wants to do something great in our midst; God wants to do something spectacular in our life; God wants to turn impossibility to possibility; but He wants us to pray. It is important for us to pray, Jesus started with prayer, He ended with prayer. Prayer has to be in our life, prayer has to be in our system, i mean effective prayer. I do not mean 10 minutes prayer, but fervent prayer, prayer…
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........Genesis 9-11.....BREAKING GENERATIONAL CURSES;PART 1 Ham was the father of Cannan, these three were the sons of Noel; and from these three, the whole earth was populated so everytime when we think about it, I want us to understand that we are of the same parents, we are from the same place; white, black, dark, coloured, everyone because, these three sons now formed the whole world. So at times when people just look and say I am an African, I donot want to deal with anybody from other region. We are just deceiving ourselves, we are from the same source,…
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10/21/2012; RESTITUTION ........What You Have Wrongfully Taken, You Have To Restore It Back.   There is nothing new under this heaven, we should not let our ambition destroy God's ordained vision for our life. Luke 19....  Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector, who sought to see Jesus Christ, but he could not because of the crowd, because of his short stature. He climbed a sycamore tree because he knew Jesus Christ will pass through that place; Jesus saw him and said "come down for  I must dine with you in your house." Jesus Christ went to his house to dine....Luke 19:8-10......Zacchaeus stood and said…
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WATCH OUT FOR YOUR TIME . The Lord does not want you to miss your time; He wants you to possess what He has already ordained for your life.........  Ecclesiastes 3:1....To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.....There is a  season to everything, there is a time for everything, everything has its own time. Ecclesiastes 3:11....He has made everything beautiful in its time.... Your time has come. God said watch out for your own time. You need to watch out for your time; at times your time comes, but because you are not watchful, you are unable to…
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AT THE DEAD END Jesus Christ cried out,"My God,my God why have you forsaken me".............. At about the nineth hour Jesus Christ cried out;"My Lord my God why have thou saken me"....when There is no more way,no hope,no road anymore;it means thay everyone will stop there,because everyone will reach that situation in life;because if you are crossing over from one level to another level by his divine power,to the place God has already ordained for your life"you will reach a dead end"especially if you want to attain that level, God has destined for you, then you will reach that dead end in…
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No Looking Back  John 21:1-17 .........No looking back means no turning back In the time of surplus you may not have anything, but in the time of scarcity maybe that is the time the Lord has appointed your breakthrough; that might be the time the Lord has appointed your blessing, your prosperity; And that is the reason why you should not be looking onto what is happening; what the situation of the country is or what is happening in the world, what is happening on earth; Your God is greater than the problem that is happening on earth, your God…
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A MESSAGE TO THE DOUBTING THOMAS Blessed are those who have not seen but yet believed.........John 20:24-29 When th Lord resurrected from the dead,he appeared before his twelve disciples,but Thomas was not present at that time and he joined them later,they were rejoicing that the Lord God is risen,but Thomas did not believe and said unless I see his inprint of the nail in his hand and side,I refuse to believe so on the 8th day Jesus appeared to his disciples again that was the time of persecution,they were afraid and locked the door,but Jesus enter without having the key to the house;Jesus…
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WORKING IN PROPER ORDER If we want to serve God?,then it should be done in proper order; because there is order in Heaven.................1Corithians 14:40.......  David said to them,you are the head of the families;the levites and for the first time the Lord our God broke out against us,because we did not consult him about the proper order;If anyone wants to worship God, let him do so in a proper order,because there is order in Heaven,God is the Executive;Jesus Christ architect/designer under God;Holy spirit the contractor; who makes things happen under Jesus Christ and the Church of God under the Holy Spirit. When…
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