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 MOVING TOWARDS GOD'S PATTERN  The Lord said to Moses "see to it that you do everything according to the pattern shown to you on this mountain".....Exodus 25:40 God wants us to work according to his pattern that he has shown to us without deviation because,  God spoke to Moses when he was on the mountain for 40 days, he told him how he wants the tabernacle to be made, how to build the ark of the covenant, how the priest will minister, what to wear, and how things must be done. God spoke to Moses not to do things as to his own…
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SPIRITUAL GROWTH "GOD DESIRES OUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH, BUT TO EVERY SPIRITUAL GROWTH THERE IS A FOUNDATION WHICH IS SALVATION".......Hebrews 6:1-20. "We should leave the elementary principle of Christ and go to perfection".........Galatians 4:1-10. When you are at a particular place, you have to understand that God has brought you there so that you can grow. when you are in a church or in a particular ministry, what God desires for you is for you to grow spiritually. If the level you are last year is the same level you are now, then you are not growing. . We need salvation, because…
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UNDERSTANDING THE BLESSINGS OF THE LORD   "THERE WILL BE SHOWERS OF BLESSING FROM GOD"......Ezekiel 34:26  There shall be showers of rain like in the time of Noah that turned to flood and wiped away the first world, but this particular rain God is talking about will bring blessings to our lives, because nobody can count the drops of rain so shall our blessings be. God said,the city built on the hills cannot be hidden....Matthew 5:13;The bible says "You are the light of the world".....Matthew 5:14. God said those who are set on the hill he will make them a blessing and the hill of God is Jesus Christ. …
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HOW TO SEE WONDERS "GOD WANTS US TO SEE AND EXPERIENCE HIS WONDERS,THAT'S THE WILL OF GOD FOR US".....Luke 19:1-9    We will see the goodness of the Lord in  the land of the living....Psalm 27:13&Psalm 26:7 the goodness of the Lord is called wonders. If you are willing and obedient you will eat of the goodness of the land... Isaiah 1:19, 1Corinthians 2:9...Eyes has not seen nor ear heard the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. God will make you to eat the good of the land. God wants to give you something that no one has ever gotten before, he…
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LEARNING HOW TO AGREE WITH GOD "WE SHOULD STOP ARGUING WITH GOD AND REJECT THE SPIRIT OF STUBBORNESS TO THE WORD OF GOD  BY SAYING 'YES' TO HIS COMMANDS AND NOT SAYING 'NO' TO GOD"  God is urging us in his word to seek him and believe in him "let God be true, but every Man a liar"........ Romans 3:4.God is not a man that he should lie ; neither the son of Man that he should repent: hath he said and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good ?..... Number 23:19..God is not a liar,he speaks and things happen...Isaiah…
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REMINDER "REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED TO LOT'S WIFE,IF YOU CLING TO YOUR LIFE YOU WILL LOSE IT AND IF YOU LET YOUR LIFE GO,YOU WILL SAVE IT".......LUKE 17:32&33    In the days of Sodom and Gomorrah,the Lord destroyed them by raining down fire and burning sulfur from the sky......Genesis 19:24&25,but the household of Lot was saved from destruction because Abraham pleaded unto God and he sent his Angels to Lot's Household. Lot lodged and entertained the Angels....Genesis 19:2&3. The Angels instructed Lot & his household to leave Sodom and Gomorrah before it's destruction and never to look back.......Genesis 19:17, Lot did…
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What Are You Seeking?              Matthew 6:19 - 34   “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?  Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?  “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider…
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Apostle Matthew OluwajobaGeneral Overseer, CUMI & President, Liberty World Outreach (LWO) An earthen vessel, annointed of God to take the life and liberty in Christ Jesus to the nations. Operating in the office of a prophet, he preaches the word of God without fear and prejudice. He is being used by the Lord extensively in many nations. His Messages are sharp, concise and contain the power of God- the power to affect and turn lives around. Many souls have been saved and won for christ through his teachings especially in Europe, America and Africa.
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