DIVINE SECURITY ....Isaiah 43:2.....When you pass through; deep waters,I will be with you;rivers of difficulty,you will not drown;walk through fire it will not burn you up;..........Infront of you is Jesus Christ,behind you is God & all around you is the HolySpirit;&?Now who can stand against you?Nobody?............. People put their security trust on Men and the authority of the Land provider to us form of police officers,soldiers and armies alike,but even in times of Life threatening troubles and battles, they fail in protecting their elect or celebrities when they are attacked,;making us to realize that it is only God that protects and…
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POWER OF EFFECTIVE PRAYER Abraham the Father of Faith,he got Isaac when he was 100years old and Sarah his Wife was 90 years,God told him,he was going to be Father of all Nations but he had one Child. Isaac had Twins after 20years of Marriage with Rebecca and had Esau and Jacob,the Bible made us to understand that they fought in the womb and Rebecca their mother inquire of Lord ?that what is it in me that am feeling like this?......Genesis 25:23..."the message was given to Rebecca that two Nations are in your womb;two people has be seperated from your body;one will…
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SALVATION IS A MUST .....  There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a devoted man that feared God and gave  generously to the poor people and prayed always.......Acts 10:1-6.....     Salvation is a must, everyone must be saved. You may decide not to eat today, not to drink, not to go out or marry, not to travel or work, you may decide not to greet anybody; but something you do not have power over, you must do it; 'you must be saved'. Most people ask "what of the person that does not know Jesus, but they are…
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REVIVAL;JESUS THE AUTHOR OF LIFE;3RD DAY;UNUSUAL MIRACLE There are miracles and there are unusual miracles;miracle is different from magic.Magic looks like Miracles but is not;when moses want to Egypt,Aaron's rod was cast down and it turned to serpent?,so that is Miracle;so Pharoah also called his own sue sayer's;his magicians;his witches & wizards;They also cast down their own rod's;their's also became serpents;that is magic?,There were many serpents but there was "ONE SERPENT"?; and many rod's but there was one "ROD"?,;But the rod of Aaron that turned to "A SERPENT" swallowed all other serpents that was made by the magicians that is the difference between…
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REVIVAL;2ND DAY PART 2;JESUS CHRIST THE AUTHOR OF LIFE Looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith..oh for the Joy that was set before him,endured the Cross.despices this shame and he has sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God his Father in Heaven.... God will place us at his right hand,our case will not remain the same,something unusual will take place in your life....in the name of Jesus....Amen. Lord your name is still the same,age to age you remain the same,yesterday,today and forever;you are wonderful God,the rock of ages;your spirit is present among us and you shall shower…
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REVIVAL:1ST DAY PART 1:JESUS CHRIST THE AUTHOR OF LIFE.....John 1:4&5 God wants your Spirit to be lifted up because he loves you;The Word gave life to everything that was created and his Life brought Light to everyone;The Light shines in the darkness and darkness can never extinguish it......John 1:4 &5.....Jesus is the Author of Life....John 14:6..I am the way, the truth and the life ;No one can come to the Father except through me...Jesus is Life and He has come to give us Life and the opposite of Life is Death which belongs to Devil; Author means Originator,if anyone needs…
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08/31/2012;THE GRACE OF GOD

THE GRACE OF GOD.........."The unmerited favour" .........May the  Grace of God and the Communion of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forever more..."Is the Grace of God that will take you to the next level in Life"..........Genesis 6:7&8.......... The Grace of God, is something we don't merit but He gives us freely.Grace also means Favour of God,we will not miss the Grace of God in Jesus...Amen.We need to ask God for his Favour to manifest upon Our Lives that is beyound our Expection and Imagination in this month of September in the name of Jesus.....Amen.Genesis 6:7&8...The end of…
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  WHERE HAVE YOU KEPT YOUR TALENT And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness;There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth........................Matthew 25:30.   Matthew 25:15-30. Where have you kept your talent? That you do not have a talent is not true; God gave you a talent, but where have you kept your talent?. This is the parable of our Lord. A man had three servants, before he travelled, he gave one of his servants five talents, he gave one two talents and he gave one, one talent. He gave then according to their capabilities because God will not…
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HOW CAN SOMEONE MISS HEAVEN...ROMANS 8:35-39 The Story in the bible about the Richman and Lazarus;The Richman was clothed in majesty and was very wealthy but Lazarus was poor,hungry and homeless, had sores all over his body and the Richman's Dogs feasted on Lazarus sore body,because he had no resources to take care of himself and he ate from the Richman's leftover foods that fell on the ground as raminants; the Richman died,was burried and went to Hell while Lazarus died with his sickness and was carried by the Angel of the Lord to the bossom of father Abraham in Heaven;the question is…
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THE SPIRIT OF ACCOMPLISHMENT "THE END OF A THING IS BETTER THAN THE BEGINING"...;YOUR HANDS HAS LAID THE FOUNDATION OF GOOD THINGS IN YOUR LIFE AND YOUR HANDS SHALL FINISH IT..........ECCLESIASTES 7:8........ God started his journey everywell but ended it better, and when He ended it,it was done perfectly well;He said "it is finished" and it brought salvation to our lives,God has spoken to me;to tell you that what the devil said you will not accomplish?,you will accomplish it in the name of Jesus christ;....One thing i know about God is that "He is a finisher"....Genesis 1:1-4...The first day;God created the heaven and…
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