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We should leave the elementary principle of Christ and go to perfection”………Galatians 4:1-10. When you are at a particular place, you have to understand that God has brought you there so that you can grow. when you are in a church or in a particular ministry, what God desires for you is for you to grow spiritually. If the level you are last year is the same level you are now, then you are not growing. . We need salvation, because we have sinned against God and we have fallen short of his glory…………Romans 3:23, the work of salvation started from the creation of man……Genesis 1:26.

God wants us to be saved, everything God created has a reason and purpose, we need to be saved there is a reason why God created you. Whatever you are doing now is because God has ordained you to do it. At times you meet some people and you say it is a mistake, but “God has ordained you to meet some people of mistake so that you can get some people of blessing”. “You have to meet people that will disappoint you in other to receive a new appointment”. Abraham met people of disappointment, the first man that was a disappointment to him was Lot, but God was with Abraham. You have to meet people that you know it is a mistake of meeting them so that you can be able to get to where you are going . The road to your blessing, the road to your destiny is not a smooth road, because  people along the road cause hinderances… Romans 8:28. Apostle paul made us know that all things work together for our good…Majority of people serving God today entered into covenant with God based on the problems they were going through, God wants you to grow spiritually so that all forces of darkness will be under you. Genesis 1:26 & Genesis 2:7…. God said let us make man in our own image and likeness…. the purpose of God for man is to have dominon over everyting he created. The likeness of God is that God never dies, he is spirit.. John 4:24 & Job 33:4….God is spirit and the spirit of God has made me. After God created man in spirit, he blessed him… Genesis 1:28. Genesis 2:15. The Lord made the garden,he put man to tend and keep it. Ezekiel 28:13-15….Lucifer occupied the garden of Eden, but he has fallen before the creation of Adam because he sinned against God, which is why he attacked Adam. Genesis 2:16&17….God commanded man to eat of every fruit of the garden and not the tree of life in the midst of the garden ….Genesis 3:1-6…Satan used the serpent to deceive them to eat the forbidden fruit to deceive eve and Adam. Satan wants us to kill ourselves by ourselves.
Things you must do to grow spiritually:
(1) First you will deal with your eyes. convetousness comes from the eyes, what you see is what you signal to the brain, that continously mediates about it. The power of the eye is stronger than the power of the mind. Therefore we must reject and wipe away from our minds every worldly thing that our eyes sets. Psalm 27:13……I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. God wants you to see first, when you want to grow spiritually. When God called Jeremiah he said to him “what do you see” Jeremiah 1:11… When God called Moses he said “see I have made you a God to pharaoh”…Exodus 7:1.If we are not able to tame our eyes towards earthly things and focus our eyes only on heavenly things, we will not be able to grow spiritually. “If the eyes is not disciplined the mind cannot be disciplined”……… Zechariah 4:1&2, Joshua 6:1&2…God wants to know what you see like Joshua… For you to be a conquerer,God wants you to see the heavenly and invisible things in order for him to use .
(2) Genesis 3:6….God wants us to deal with our body….1Corinthians 9:27…”I discipline my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means,when I preached to others, I become disqualified”…1 John 2:15&16. Do not love the world or the things in the world because whoever loves the world, then the love of the father is not in him……In fasting and prayer,we should discipline our body for us to grow spiritually.
(3) Everyone who want to grow spiritually must tame their pride. Philippians 3:7&8, 1Peter 5:5, James 4:6…God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble….Proverbs 16:18… When you tame your pride, you gain wealth and Christ; but when you are holding onto your pride then Christ is not there.

There are other things that can make us grow spiritually; prayer,singing and worshipping God,fasting and praying, but there are other things that makes us grow spiritually which may be different from what we think,it may be an extra ordinary anointing that God will put in us through others regardless of the age status,your personal experience,financial,educational background and personality doesn’t matter in spiritual promotion and growth……..philippians 3:7&8 Peter,Paul,Andrew,James and John were common fishermen but God used them greatly.

The fall of Man was because Adam ate the forbidden fruit; he died and from that day, death entered into the world ……Romans 3:3,for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. we need salvation because we are a sinners. Until you acknowledege yourself as a sinner you will not acknowledge your salvation or welcome salvation in your life. Psalm 51:5…I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceived me…Romans 6:23..The wedges of sin is death…God did not creat us to die but sin has made us to die. God wants us to live again and in other to do this we must be born again. The kind of birth our mother gave to us is the one that leads to death, but the birth that Jesus Christ will give us leads to eternal life…1 Corinthians 15:21&22..For by the nature of adam came death but the nature of christ is live,we must cross over. After our salvation,comes our spiritual growth. Collosians 3:1-3 and 2Corithians 4:18….If you are not saved you cannot develop spiritual growth…. 

……………….to be continued

Apostle Matthew Oluwajoba
General Overseer(CUMI)


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