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There shall be showers of rain like in the time of Noah that turned to flood and wiped away the first world, but this particular rain God is talking about will bring blessings to our lives, because nobody can count the drops of rain so shall our blessings be. God said,the city built on the hills cannot be hidden….Matthew 5:13;The bible says “You are the light of the world”…..Matthew 5:14. God said those who are set on the hill he will make them a blessing and the hill of God is Jesus Christ.  Everyone that comes to Jesus Christ, God will make them a blessing and when they come to the hill of God, he will cause showers to come down in their season, Such a person will not lack but will receive the blessing of God with his divine visitation and the favour for God.
 Many people ask for the blessing of God and they are challenging God as to why the blessing has not come but the fact is because their ways are not true to the Lord. Proverb 16:7.. When our ways pleases God he will cause his showers to come down upon us. God is saying come seek my kingdom first and all others I will add it unto you. The blessing of God makes one rich and added no sorrow…..Proverb 10:22. When God says he will bless, he will surely do it. God is a God of blessing, he started the word of creation by blessing… Genesis 1:22&28. God wants you to walk in his ways and he will release his blessing upon your life, he will open the windows of heaven and there will not be enough room to contain them.
The Lord blessed Noah and his sons after the flood;”Go multiply and fill the Earth…Genesis 9:1. The Lord,he is a God of blessing. when God called father Abraham out, all what he said to him was the word of blessing….Genesis 12:1-3. Genesis 24:1..God blessed Abraham because he walked in the way that the Lord. God wants you to walk in his ways and he will bless you. The blessing of the Lord is what the devil cannot destroy.
When God blesses you, you cannot be rich today and be poor tomorrow; he blesses us forever. The blesses of Abraham shall abide with us, Hebrews 11:5&6………… by faith Enoch  pleased God by walking in his ways because of this, he did not see death but was taken up by God,Mathew 11:28&29……. God said come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and i will be you rest and my york is easy and my burden light;God wants us to know that we will go through obstacles in life that will not kill us but will make us wax stronger to pursue,overtake, conquer all our enemies and retrieve all our possessions.


How to Please God:

(1) We must have faith in the existence of God;

 The situations in our life whether good or bad, God existence cannot be contended with. God exist, his existence brought about our own existence. Have faith in God that whatever comes your way, God is able to deliver and see us through. If you have faith in God everybody may be crashing but you will not crash; everybody may fail but you will not fail; everybody may die but you will not die;everybody may fall into the ditch but you will not fall into the ditch; everybody’s glory might be stolen but yours will not be stolen. Job 19:25… I know that my redeemer liveth.God lives troubles come but they do not last, because weeping may endure in the night but joy cometh in the morning…Psalm 30:5..
God will deliver you out of them all ….Psalm 34:19.Psalm 40:1-3… God does not want you to doubt him because he is able. Without faith no one can please God….2 Corinthians 5:7..we walk by faith not by sight, Hebrew 11:1 …Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence things not seen. Faith is also believing and you must have the evidence that God has already done it, and that is when your way we can please the Lord.


(2) You must have faith in his word;

 The word of God can never change. God will never lower his standard for anyone, no one is above the law of God. God gave the children of Israel ten commandments, the question is “are you keeping God’s commandment?” God doesn’t want us to do more than what he ask us to do and he will do  more than we ask him to do,but we are challenging and criticising God that he has not done what we are asking him ,are we doing what he wants us to do?. “He said call on to me and I will answer you, I will show you great and mighty things that you did not know”…Jeremiah 33:3. You must have faith in God …Hebrew 12:2 and do what pleases him, because he will never change his word.


(3) Have faith in the supremacy and power of God that he can do it;

Ezekiel 18:4…”The soul that sin shall surely die”…whatever God says will happen,it will surely come to pass.Let us have faith in the word of God and do the will of God, when we know he is the only one that can do it and has all the answer, then why can’t we listen to him through the word of God. When our way pleases God, the heavens will be open and there shall be showers of blessing.
Apostle Matthew Oluwajoba
General Overseer(CUMI)

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