Preacher: Apostle Mathew Oluwajoba (G.O) Date: Sunday Service Jan, 13th 2019. Scriptural Ref: Act 5: 12-16. The day of the pentecost, their were in one accord, not in different places. There is power in unity. What we need most importantly now, is to live in unity. What the universal church of Jesus Christ worldwide needs now, is unity, no matter the denominations you belongs to, either Catholicism, Methodism, Lutheranism or Pentecostalism etc. Is time to unite. How everyone can speak about Jesus Christ, not their Pastors or organizations. How denominations can be abolished. How people can be focused about Heaven, not about things on earth. How people can understand Colossians 3:1-3, Jn 10:30, Jn 3:16. The Lord does not love a particular race. Either Whites, Blacks, Red. But Jesus Christ loves everyone. 1Jn 2:8, 1Cor 13: 8. Love never fails. Jn 15: 13, Jesus laid out His life for US, for the Whole World, not for certain people, nor for some tribes, nor for some sections. There are so much Segregation, in the christendom of nowadays. Discriminations, even, they are tribalism in the Church of today. The devil knows that, there’s power in unity. If every families should unite together in 2019, you will see the greater importance things that will take place in our lives this year. When you are United with your spouse, you will realize how much time you have wasted, for living in disunity. You must have been struggling, working very hard, but nothing really much has changed or happened, despite all your efforts. But only ONE thing is needed in your family, to be in Unity. Let the mother, father and children be in unity. It doesn’t matter what anyone else has done against you, forgive them, and let us all be in one accord. And you will see what the Lord is going to accomplish for us this year. I discovered that when the disciples of Jesus Christ were in unity, that was when miracles, Signs and wonders happened. We need to be in unity, as a church. A church that is in unity will be moving forward, far more than their expectations, and will equally expand beyond their imaginations, because they are in unity. When we’re in unity, we will be able to do what God asked us to do. Because unity started from Heaven. God created everything with His own words. Genesis 1: 3 “God said let there be light, and there was light.” And that was how God created everything. But when He was about to create human being, in His own image. He needed unity of the Spirit in Heaven. Genesis 1: 26″ God said, let’s make man in Our image, after our likeness. Let’s them have dominion over the fish of the Sea, and over the birds of the Sky, and over the livestock, and over all the Earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth ” So you can see how God made us through unity. It’s unity of the Spirit, that brings human existence. Our existence took place through unity of the Spirit. The three in God had to agreed to create human being. Genesis 1: 28, Gen 11: 1-8, Isaiah 6: 8 God speaking about the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 1 Jn 5: 7-8 Verse 7, For there are three who testify. Verse 8, The Spirit, Water, and Blood. And the three agreed as One. So it’s agreement that brought Salvation to us. God decided to send Jesus, and Jesus agreed, and the Holy Spirit agreed to Resurrect Jesus on the third day. It takes agreement for anyone to move forward. We must stand on agreement. We have suffered enough, because of disagreement. The flesh always want to get it’s own wish. But it’s the Spirit that gives life. Jn 6: 63. You must constantly be in the Spirit. Jn 4: 24. Not to worship God in spiritual, if God is Spirit, we must equally worship Him in Spirit, not in spiritual because satan also is in spiritual. You must be in Spirit. All what you need is agreement, the kingdom of darkness will be in problem. POWER OF UNITY, WHAT DOES IT BRING: 1, Standing in agreement, brings down the glory of God. What is making anyone to move forward in life, from minimum to maximum, is the glory of God. Isaiah 60: 1. If the glory of God is not upon you, you are going nowhere. Act 2: 1-4, Act 4: 31. Life transformation can only take place through the power of agreement. Spirit of unity . 2 Chro 5: 13-14. Two visions is a division, you must have one vision, for a divine transformation. 2, Isaiah 8: 18. It makes it impossible for strangers (Enemies) to penetrate into the family. Amend your crack ward. Act 5:13. When you stand in agreement, people esteem high. 3,Turn the kingdom of darkness up Side down. Act 17: 6, Act 16: 34-36, James 4: 7, Isaiah 52: 1-10, 1 Peter 2:12, Act 4: 26. 4, It creates an environment for expansion, enlargement. Act 2: 1-4, 41, Act 4: 4 1Cor 14: 33, James 1: 2. Unity is a power drive, for purpose fulfilling ministries. And a power drive for purpose fulfillment. Anyone who wants to fulfill purpose in life, must be in agreement with your GOD. Exodus 5: 1, Ex 6: 1-3. Finally, be in agreement with your maker, and you shall receive a divine transformation, in Jesus Christ Name. “AMEN “
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