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Preacher : Apostle Mathew Oluwajoba (GO)                                                                Date : Sunday Service, 03/03/2019                                                                      Scriptural Ref: Ps 116:12

What shall I render to the Lord for all its benefits towards me.  God wants us to understand some certain things.

The bible says the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is for eternal life, through Christ Jesus, Our Lord.  Ezekiel 18:4, He says, the soul that sin shall surely die.  But you and I have sin, but we did not die.  Because God loves us.  He forgives all our iniquities.  They are so many things we have done, but God still forgives us.

They are so much benefits God has released into our lives “PS 103 1-2”  Blessed the Lord O my Soul, for all His benefits.

The Five benefits the Lord says;

1, Who forgives all your iniquities.

2, Who heals all your diseases. You may look at it, that you are in good health physically, but internally you are not.  But what is healing us, is the blood of Jesus Christ.

3, Who reduced your life from destructions.  Everyone need to know that God reduce your life from destruction.  If you know how God has been defending you, you need to give thank to Him.  What would have been the end of our lives, God turned things around for us.

4, Who crowns us with loving kindness and tender, mercies.  Waking up every day, going out and coming back safely, that you are even alive today, is the mercy of God. Despite, the plots of the enemies against you, is God’s Mercies that sees you through.  God is so faithful.  A lot of negative things have happened, even in the land where you are dwelling.  Because of His Mercies upon you, God did not allow anything of them to happened to you.  His mercies never comes to an end.

5, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renew like the eagles.  The eagle fly above every other birds.  Eagle doesn’t fly in soil.  What God is saying that you will always be above and never below.  And your mount will be satisfy with good things.  Which means there is testimony.  There are so many benefits the Lord has given to us :  You are not a victim of disaster, you need to thank God.  The Grace of God has been sustaining us.  He who knows how to think will know how to thank.

Looking back at the year 2018, our hearts are filled with gratitude to the Lord for all the supernatural accomplishments, and overcoming the storms, we had both as a ministry and in our individual lives.


  1. Because they feel what they are asking God has not been done yet. For God has not granted your request yet, doesn’t mean He is not there for you. God is always there with you.  There are something He wants to settle before your request can be granted.  God will not give you, what will eventually destroy you.  God will first of all, give you deliverance and victory.  So that when you get the blessings of God, no one will be able to steal it away from you and no one will be able to stand against you.  God’s time is always the best.  Col  3:3   Your life is hidden in Christ Jesus.  So you need to give thank to God.
  2. Because of Silly policy, some people feels thanks giving, must be after things has already been done. The bible says, be confidence of these things, that He who has begun a good work in you is able to complete it until the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

PS 138 : 8

PS   20 : 4

PS   21 : 2

PS   34 : 1

  1. Because is not in their Culture.  Their Culture doesn’t give thanks.  Remember, the ten Lepers who were cleaned, but only one of them could be able to come back to thank Jesus.  And that very one was a Samaritan.  In Samaria they know how to give thanks.  Remember the Samaritan woman, when she had encounter with Jesus Christ,  Jn 4 : 7-8 When thanksgiving is not in your culture you are being ungrateful. If is not in your culture, you have to come back to the culture of Jesus Christ, and develop a culture of thanksgiving and appreciations.  If you cannot reference someone you are seeing physically, you can’t reference the one you cannot see in the physical.  God is God forever.  Show appreciation to everyone, whatever they are doing for you, even when they ate not doing it right, appreciate them.

Let us stand in unity of the Spirit to give thanks to the Lord, because He is good and His mercies endureth forever.  Irrespective and independent of the situation of your immediate circumstances, you should give thanks to the Father. Worship and praise Him, no matter what.  The Bible says, In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  (I Thesselonians 5:18) In everything, means in every situation you are to give Him thanks in and for all things.  When you look at the year in retrospect be joyful and excited in your spirit.  Thankful to the Lord for all He’s done for you.  Count your blessings. Don’t muse over the disappointments or things.  You wished you had accomplished, but that you didn’t. Rather rejoice over what He’s done for you and celebrate your accomplishments.

Remember we walk by faith and not by sight, joy is an expression of your faith.  In rejoicing and giving thanks to the Lord, you are getting His attention on your faith.  Sometimes we give thanks in anticipations.  That’s why He tells us, Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”  Philippians  4 : 6 – 7.  AMEN.

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