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God is urging us in his word to seek him and believe in him “let God be true, but every Man a liar”…….. Romans 3:4.God is not a man that he should lie ; neither the son of Man that he should repent: hath he said and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good ?….. Number 23:19..God is not a liar,he speaks and things happen…Isaiah 59;1……because he is able to save us for all trials and temptation.
The very ‘SIN’ we commit unto God is by saying ‘NO’ to him,we argue with God concerning the things that happen  in our lives that lake of agreement which keeps us stagnant, we should learn to agree with God;
We have made mistakes in our lives, so many errors, secret faults that we think are right, but we are still arguing regarding his promises even with our faults……..Psalm 19:12, God has promised and God knows what he promised us and he is going to fulfill it.”Let us challenge the spirit that argues with God, we will bring that spirit down and break it in Jesus name”….Amen. Luke 5:4-11 the story of the fisher men , Simon Peter argued also with God when he told them to throw in their net into the sea for a caught ,after his arguement God still proved himself; God has the ‘FINAL’ say to your upliftment, advancement and prosperity.We should learn how to say ‘YES’ to God at all things regardless of the circumstance.
There is no record of impossibility in his book,whatever we are doing we should keep doing it,whatever we are custom to that pleases God we should not stop doing it because “i know my redeemer liveth,God will show up no matter how terrible the situation is; if is prayer don’t stop, Daniel 6:10……’Daniel  knees down to pray 3times a day that’s his custom,choose your own custom  today’ the way you want to serve and worship your Creator…..Psalm 55:17


“God does not work with the World’s formula”;3 things that God does when he wants to release his word:

*God does not release his word in order to please anybody;

God doesn’t release his world so we can praise him & follow him ,the praises of the heavenly host are enough for God, he can raise stones to worship and praise him….. Galatians 2:6, God has no favourite person, no special person in God’s sight…..Romans 2:11.The judgement of God will come upon everyone Romans2:11.”We should train ourselves on how to say ‘YES’ to God”.If God wants to lift us up he will, because God want to uplift us because he knows if we are lifted up we can in turn lift others up, he lifted Joseph up because he wanted to fulfill his promise to Abraham because he is convenant keeping God ,Genesis 15:13&14,Genesis;41&42:6,Genesis 12:3&13,Genesis 13:14-17&Genesis 15:1-4,Genesis 22:15-18, and “God releases his word in order to fulfill his convenant with us”.

*God does not release his word in order to hurt us;

In the past people have hurt and bruised you but God will never hurt anyone by releasing his word upon us….Exodus 3:10&11&12. God was with Moses because he wanted to glorify his name in him, Moses was a Jewish slave and he killed a Egyptians and Pharaoh wanted moses dead or alive,because is like a slave killing his master and God sent him there to save his people and they will serve him in return………….. Exodus 2:16 & 5:12, Luke3:31-33… it has never been recorded that a Prophet died outside Jerusalem ,because God has sent us to prosper,expand and enlarge our coast  in the land and not to  perish…Zechariah 2:5,1Corithians 3:9,2Corithians 5:20,Psalm 104:4.

*God does not release his word in order to kill us;

The mercy of God is upon us…..Romans 6:23 because God does not want us to die, IIPeter 3:9,he is calling us to repentance,Lot was delivered from destruction due to Abraham’s plea to God after  the angel told him to go up the hill and not to look back, but he request a near city …”the city built on the hill shall not be overtaken” but most of us alike Lot today not the will of God but our will instead, Lot didn’t want to be overtaken by evil but ended up overthroned by evil  ..Genesis 19:17,18-20.
Remain blessed in the Lord
Apostle Matthew Oluwajoba

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