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Jeremiah 1:11-12….Moreover the word of
the Lord came to me, saying “Jeremiah, what do you see?” and I said, “I see an
almond tree…….”

Tonight God wants you to develop a winner’s
attitude. God say he wants to do something in your life; it is now left for you
to grab it, because He can never lie. Whenever God wants to use his people
there are 3 important things he will like them to have, and He wants them to be
so smart in it, because that is how He operates. Amos 3:3….Can two walk
together, unless they are agreed? Your agreement with God today will bring
great transformation into your life; your agreement with God today will cut off
all your enemies; your agreement with God today will bring you into a new
dimension; your agreement with God today, will make what He has promised to
come to pass; and it shall come to pass in the name of Jesus….

Developing a winner’s attitude; you have to look
at yourself as a winner. When the Lord was about to use Jeremiah; the Lord
wanted to know if Jeremiah has seen what he, God also was seeing. The bible
said “and the word of God came to me, Jeremiah what do you see?” and Jeremiah
saw what God was seeing and he said, “I can see a branch of almond tree.” The
Lord said “you have seen right for I am ready to perform my word” I want you to
understand that God is ready to perform His word in your life; every prophecy
will come to pass; every declaration shall receive divine breakthrough right
now and it shall come to pass in the name of Jesus……every word He had prophesied
concerning your life, through His servant and all the vision you have seen,
beautiful dreams shall come to pass in the name of Jesus Christ…… Your dream
house, car, and business will become a reality. God will make your future
better, than the present hour, in the name of Jesus Christ…….

I have discovered that the God we serve is a great
God. He said “what do you see?” what you can see in the spiritual realm
determines what you can acquire in the physical realm. I want you to understand
that God that you serve is a good God; He said “I am ready to perform my word” He can never lie; I have discovered
many things about God. (1) He is a talker- I have discovered that God talks. Genesis 1:13……In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form,
and void; and the darkness was on the face of the deep. Verse 3 God said “let
there be light”; and there was light. God spoke; in the beginning of every
person’s life, yes there might be darkness invading, there might be storm;
there might be windstorm, but God says “let
there be light”
so, in the beginning there was darkness and the Lord said “let
there be light”; and there was light. May I release the voice of God upon your
life, upon your situation; upon your business? Let there be light- in your life
there shall be light; the light of God will shine upon you in the name of Jesus
Christ; praise the Lord………

Nobody can resist the word of God. Ecclesiastes 8:4……
where the word of a king is, there is power; and who can say to him, “what are
you doing?” God has the power that nobody can resist. The bible made us
understand that God utters His voice. Psalm 29:4…… The voice of the Lord is
powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. In verse 7…..The voice of
the Lord divides the flames of fire. So God utters His voice and when He utters
His voice there is always thunder; so God speaks. Genesis 2:18….And the Lord
Said “it is not good for a man to live alone…….” God has been speaking.-And the
Lord said. When He called Noah in Genesis 6:7…The Lord said “the end of every
man has come before me, because I am going to destroy what I have created…….”
so He spoke; God is still speaking and He will speak to you today in the name
of Jesus Christ. ….

Genesis 6:13-14…..And God said to Noah…..… God
instructed Noah on what to do; God is god that speaks. Genesis 12:1-3…. And the
Lord said to Abram: “get out of your country, from your family and from your
father’s house and go to a place I will show you……….” I claim this Abrahamic
blessing for everyone that is here tonight in the name of Jesus Christ…. May God
make you a blessing; God will bless you; He will make your great; and you shall
be a blessing in the name of Jesus Christ……. When the Lord called Moses, He
said “I have surely seen the oppression of my people” Exodus 3:10…..Come now
and I will send you to Pharaoh to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt.
God spoke to Moses. Exodus 6:1…And the Lord said to Moses, “you shall see what I
will do to Pharaoh.” In verse 2…..And the Lord spoke to Moses and said “I am
the LORD.”

 God is God
that speaks; He has been speaking and He keeps speaking. Exodus 7:1…The Lord
said to Moses: “see, I have made you as God to Pharaoh …” God is still
speaking. Exodus 8:1….And the Lord spoke to Moses………  Exodus 9:1….And the Lord said to Moses…….. Exodus
10:1….And the Lord said to Moses…….. Exodus 11:1….And the Lord said to Moses……..
Exodus 12:1….Now the Lord spoke to Moses…….. Exodus 13:1….And the Lord spoke to
Moses…….. Exodus 14:1….And the Lord spoke to Moses…….. So God has been speaking
and He keeps speaking; He will speak to you today in the name of Jesus Christ. Isaiah
45:11…Thus says the Lord, the holy one of Israel, and his maker: “ask me of
things to come concerning my sons…….”  God said “command me” because He speaks and He
wants you also, to speak. I pray today; every word that will be released
tonight, in this prayer will come to pass in the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord
God almighty will manifest His great power in your life, when you decree a thing,
it shall be established; when you bind, it shall be bind; when you loose, it
shall be loose in heaven; everything you have committed into the hands of God
will come to physical manifestation in the name of Jesus Christ……

Not only that the
Lord talks; the Lord hears. God has
the ear to hear. Psalm 65:2….O Lord God you, who hear prayer, unto you shall
all men come.  God hears prayer, whatever
is happen to your life right now He hears; what you are saying to God He hears.
What you have been praying for the past five days, He has heard you. Psalm 66:18-19…If
I allow iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. But the Lord has heard
me…… May the Lord hear you in the name of Jesus Christ….. All the plot of your
enemies, God hears; He hears what they are saying; He hears what they are
planning against you. God is the God that hears. Numbers 12:1-2….. Then Miriam
and Aaron spoke against Moses concerning the Ethiopian woman he married and
they said “has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses?  Has he not spoken through us also?”  And the Lord heard it. What your enemies are
saying in their room, the Lord hears it; the plot they have against you, the
Lord hears it; what they want to do against your life, the Lord hears it; the
arrow they want to send, the Lord hears it; and because the Lord hears it, He
will block them in the name of Jesus Christ…. They will not penetrate your life
in the name of Jesus Christ….

2 Chronicles 7:14…..If my people who are called by
my name will humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn back from their
wicked ways I will hear them… That makes me to understand that the reason, we
feel that God has not heard us is because we do not humble ourselves, we do not
have the spirit of submission. If we have submissive spirit; if we humble
ourselves there is nothing we way to God that He will not hear. He said “if
they pray and seek my face”; so as you are here, you have prayed, and you are
seeking the face of God, therefore, God will hear you. He said “if they turn
from their wicked ways”; all what we have done wrong, if we can remove it
completely….. Proverbs 28:13…He who covers his sins shall not prosper, but
whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. May God make you to have His
mercy today in the name of Jesus Christ; you will have the mercy of God in the
name of Jesus Christ….

It is not only that God hears; I say God talks,
God hears; and I have discovered finally that God sees. God is God that sees; whatever your enemies are doing He
sees it; what you also are doing, He sees it; whatever is in your mind He sees
it. Whenever God wants to use any one, before He gives you that power, He wants
you to see it. That is why He asked Jeremiah “what do you see”; because
Jeremiah has been arguing with God. Jeremiah 1:6-7…..Behold I cannot speak, for
I am a youth. But God said” you are a youth; you are the one I am going to use….”  Whenever you look at your background and say “I
am not qualified” you do not need to be qualified to get the blessing of God;
because Jesus Christ has made you qualified to get it. I want to tell you that
nobody qualifies because for all had sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
There is no one righteous; no not one. Psalm 14:3…There is none who does good,
no, not one. Romans 3:12…. There is none who does good, no, not one. So nobody
is qualified but God qualifies us; Jesus made us to be qualified; our
qualification is Jesus Christ.

God is asking you “what do you see”; the blessing
of the Lord is coming, but as He is releasing it, He said “what do you see”;
can you not see the miracle of God; can you not see the enemies being
scattered; can you not see their gathering been massacred; can you not see the
blessing of the Lord; can you not see your  enemies crying; can you not see your enemies
in sorrow and destabilized; can you not see your enemies bowed down before you;
can you not see your victory!

Developing a winner’s attitude, is one to the attitude
of a winner; he sees before he grabs it. He sees the invincible; he sees that
yes it is possible; it is coming to my life. After Hannah had finished praying
1 Samuel 1:18…The woman went her way and ate and her face was no longer sad. Her
face was sad before, but after the prayer, Eli said “go in peace, and may God
of Israel grant your petition”; after that her face was no longer sad because,
she was seeing miracle. What do you see?   Hannah saw
a bouncing baby boy, coming into her womb; that is why she did not fight
anymore; that is why she was not in sorrow anymore; because she knew that God
has done it in her life. I can see God raising people in this generation, this
church, I can see God raising great people, ministers, governors, congress
people; leaders; kings; glorious and wonderful people; beautiful people;
blessed people; and that is your portion tonight in the name of Jesus Christ……

I can see God moving you to a new level; I can see
God moving you from minimum to maximum; I can see the beauty of God radiating
in your life; I can see your enemies falling down; I can see your enemies
bowing down to you; I can see your enemies been broken to pieces. What do you
see? I can see the glory of the Lord shining in your life; receive it in the
name of Jesus Christ…. I can see your enemies entering into the pit they dug
for you; I can see the coffin they made for you that they use it for
themselves; I can see the arrow they sent to you, it was intercepted by God,
and it was sent back to sender. I can see victory in your life; I can see you
conquering; yes receive the victory of God in the name of Jesus, praise the name
of the Lord…..

The prayer you are going to pray today is prayer
of assurance; prayer of confidence; prayer that yes, it is settled; prayer that
you begin to invite favor. I am a man of faith; I belief before the end of this
year, something great is going to take place in this ministry; something great
is going to take place in your life; something spectacular, unusual, something
that is very rare to find; receive it in the name of Jesus……


Blessed in the Lord

Matthew Oluwajoba (General Overseer)

United Ministries International (CUMI)

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